
суббота, 6 августа 2022 г.

Sun and moon and happiness

      Residents of the village and nearby areas, who visited the library where Den worked, were very outraged that Deniel had disappeared somewhere after the New Year holidays. Clear news came that in the zone of the strictest forestry regime for turners and yalo, especially painful conditions were created, worse than the last circles of the underworld, which awaited them after the expiration of the punishment.
Deniel was returned to the older library, and as assistants they gave him a young sweet girl and a yellow-sunny cat.

While turners and yalos sharpened pins for criminals, this was their additional function to hellish suffering, Deniel actively studied fiction and musical literature.
Soon, Deniel was offered the post of head of a network of municipal rich libraries, and he appointed the girl who became more and more fond of him as his deputy.
Having gone headlong into martial arts and rock music, Den, rejuvenated almost to childhood from happiness, generally transfers rule to her.

The coolest cattery is created for cats, and Deniel puts a woman who worked just at the time of his arrival as its head, who taught him the principles of library office work.
The sun shone like spring.
The moon shone with joy.



Evil in hell that's get hotter
Den has grown up in career
The baby is shining brighter
Kittens purr in the aviary

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