
воскресенье, 7 августа 2022 г.


Grandpa, the dandelion of hell, solemnly caressed the cowardly dog with a chain, the turner jumped into the loader, tied through the hatch to the trunk of a yalo. And they rushed off. Old man, shouting slander at them, boldly swept the tracks of the wheels, dancing maliciously.
Deniel went back. ..Went to bed until the next morning. The legs were all dead. On the fourth day they almost turned black. Den called an ambulance. They were taken to a hospital in a neighboring province.
      There he lay for several days. The whole ward was against him and, literally, only after keeping him in a frozen room, and nothing more, he was thrown out of the hospital. Everyone with whom he was lying in the ward, and almost everyone on the floor, had their frostbitten hands and feet cut off.
After almost a month, Deniel began to withdraw. ..To beat his first blows that came to his mind on a whim.

  In the neighboring library, from the one in which Deniel had recently worked perfectly, coups began. Yalo was caught in some of the vulgar positions with three turners at work. The grandfather of a criminal was pinned down in a booth with an anti-brave barker.
The type of activity in relation to the beast was not publicly announced, but the absolutely shocked residents of the village sued the fanatic.
Also, there were raised acts of outright fraud yalo and turners who robbed the library + share fund for a large number of books and large-caliber banknotes.

The whole wicked company was sentenced by the court to imprisonment for a term of ten years under the conditions of a strict logging regime on a low-income (not provided in fact) territory closest to the Permafrost. According to numerous rumors talking about the same thing, it was the most corrupted prison, although of a natural kind, and no one came out of it alive [and the most dangerous form of accidents invariably happens to prisoners at the time of the last call:] A cowardly dog along with with a blue-gray scarecrow they took it to the kennel, where, drunk, they euthanized, together with their grandfather, a substitute \ the only one from the above-mentioned zone of evil, who, according to his own dying revelations, served safely only because he was in the passive of the contingent, being in a particularly close-off-format relationship with all male staff.


Deniel composes his first, very happy and believable, string song with words, even with a line of words, but a line without errors and on an academic chord.


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